Some use Chemical Drain Cleaners to clear up severe clogs in the drain pipes. While minor clogs can break or go away with natural/DIY methods such as baking soda and vinegar, serious clogs do require serious action.
Chemical drain cleaners are available in different types based on the nature of the clog:
- Caustic Drain Cleaner is made of sodium hydroxide, which starts a chemical reaction as they come into contact with water and can help break down oil and grease at a molecular level, creating soap and water as a by-product that is easily flushed away.
- Oxidizing Drain Cleaner contains substances like bleach and peroxides, these cause the organic materials to lose electrons and become oxidized, helping clogs dissolve easily. These drain cleaners are strong and effective against organic and inorganic matter.
- Acidic Drain Cleaners such as sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid create a chemical reaction in the drain pipes that generates heat and dissolves the material,
causing the clog. These strong chemicals can easily dissolve organic matter and foreign materials.
Now, why do you need to be careful when using liquid drain cleaners?
- Chemical substances contained in drain cleaners are harmful to our health. The use of strong chemicals has to be approached carefully. Use proper precautions to keep these substances far away from pets and children.
- Chemical cleaners are also corrosive. If your house has old metal piping, it’s best if you stick to other methods of clearing clogs like baking soda and vinegar... or call a plumber!
- As previously mentioned, liquid drain cleaners contain strong chemicals. If used in large quantities, these corrosive chemicals can damage pipes and plumbing systems.
- Strong chemicals like acids and bases make chemical drain cleaners bad for the environment. When these chemicals travel down the sewer line into nearby waterways and seas, it could be detrimental to aquatic life. Leakage of these chemicals from pipes and drains can also harm plants and animals. #ProtectFloridaWildlife
- Septic tanks naturally decompose waste with bacteria. Drain cleaners are not recommended in houses with a septic system, as they can kill the bacteria inside the tank that helps break down waste.
What should you do instead of utilizing liquid drain cleaners?
- Manual Removal with items like wire hangers and vinegar, can be used in bathroom drains, kitchen sink drains, and toilets to pull out visible clogs inside of your drain pipes.
- The use of plumbing tools like plungers, Drain Snakes, and Augers can effectively address the clog quickly without damaging your plumbing system.
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When in doubt... Call a plumber!